Eastside Producers Informational Collaborative (EPIC)

LSFP is partnering with nonprofits, production growers, and local food advocates to plan for the future of food and farming in the Northeastern CA. Our rural, mountainous region has unique strengths and challenges in this era of mega-fires and climate instability. Working together we hope to build regional resilience.

Calling local producers and folks who support local food!

Attend our next meeting: April 15th, 3-5pm at the Plumas Sierra County Fairgrounds (Mineral Building).

You are invited to our first EPIC in-person meeting for producers!

Calling farmers, ranchers, market gardeners, orchardists, and local food producers. Together we will brainstorm potential projects for our region. Our goal is to increase opportunities for farmers so that they can make a livable wage and continue to provide for our community for years to come. There is quite a bit of money out there for producers right now, especially if we can figure out how to work together! Join us and become part of a team of working to strengthen the Northeastern CA foodshed.

April 15th, 3-5pm at the Plumas Sierra County Fairgrounds

We will provide snacks and gas money! Please RSVP to info@lostsierrafoodproject.org by April 12th. Mileage reimbursement is available for those traveling within Plumas County. RSVP to help us plan.

A Zoom option is available if you can’t make it in-person.

Our Farm—Rugged Roots

Rugged Roots is a vibrant production farm and one of the few small-scale crop producers in Plumas Co. During the growing season, Rugged Roots supplies local stores like the Feather River Food Co-op, restaurants, and has contracts with Plumas Unified School district and Plumas Charter School for their school lunch programs. Customers can shop direct at the Tuesday Evening Farm Stand and daily honor system fridge.

A hub for learning and community

Rugged Roots is a project of the Lost Sierra Food Project and a demonstration/learning site for the majority of LSFP’s programs. On any given day in the growing season you will find children of all ages exploring and learning through a variety of ag-based programs. LSFP also runs workforce development programs employing young adults each season. The community is invited to the farm for food preservation, cooking, and health and wellness workshops.

Learn more about our events