Rugged Roots Farm

Rugged Roots Farm in Plumas County

A 2.5 acre regenerative farm feeding residents and visitors of Plumas County since 2019.

We grow fruit, veggies, herbs and flowers and offer weekly farmstands and u-pick opportunities June through October. Rugged Roots Farm is located in Quincy, CA, in a beautiful valley on the banks of Spanish Creek. We use regenerative agricultural practices including cover-cropping, pollinator hedgrows, composting and mulch, and have several no-till zones to build soil health and reduce emissions. Rugged Roots is a “learning farm” for education, workshops and workforce training programs.

A production farm for local food access

Rugged Roots is a vibrant production farm and one of the few small-scale crop producers in Plumas Co. During the growing season, Rugged Roots supplies local stores like the Feather River Food Co-op, restaurants, and has contracts with Plumas Unified School district and Plumas Charter School for their school lunch programs. Customers can shop direct at the Tuesday Evening Farm Stand and daily honor system fridge.

A hub for learning and community

Rugged Roots is a project of the Lost Sierra Food Project and a demonstration/learning site for the majority of LSFP’s programs. On any given day in the growing season you will find children of all ages exploring and learning through a variety of ag-based programs. LSFP also runs workforce development programs employing young adults each season and training the next generation of farmers and land stewards. The community is also invited to the farm for food preservation, cooking, and wellness workshops.

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