Rugged Roots
Summer Camp

Educational farm fun for kids ages 5-10 on Rugged Roots Farm.

2025 Summer Sessions TBA

In 2024 we had four weeks of
farm camp!

Thank you to our fabulous farm educators, kids, camp counselors and families for making lasting memories with us on the farm.

Creation Station Farm Camp

At this session, campers took inspiration from our beautiful farm to create and perform an original production! They made insect masks, painted soil science scenery, sang veggie songs and developed some farmer stand-up routines! Campers' creativity was fueled by daily farm-fresh snacks that they prepared themselves. On the last day of camp, they showcased their creations and put on a performance for friends and family.

Farm-Chef Camp

At this session campers deepened their relationship to food by putting on their chef caps and making fresh, tasty recipes. They whisked, chopped and sauteed their way to becoming culinary champions! Each day campers harvested farm-fresh produce and transformed it into delicious 5-star cuisine, On the last day of this session campers organized a pop-up restaurant to serve friends and family. Campers constructed their own cookbooks and left camp with cooking tools that will help them continue their food journeys at home.

Creek Week Farm Camp

This session was devoted to one of our favorite parts of our farm… the creek! Campers studied the plants and animals that call our creek home while learning how to responsibly utilize this amazing resource to grow tasty fruits and vegetables. They constructed creek-side willow shelters, painted watercolor portraits and sculpted relief maps of our water shed. Every day campers searched the farm to harvest tasty produce to create the perfect smoothie.

Campers “smile” for the camera chopping up veggies for their snack!

Camp Chefs present their pop-up restaurant to their families.

Campers play in Spanish Creek for a much needed cooling break!

A production farm for local food access

Rugged Roots is a vibrant production farm and one of the few small-scale crop producers in Plumas Co. During the growing season, Rugged Roots supplies local stores like the Feather River Food Co-op, restaurants, and has contracts with Plumas Unified School district and Plumas Charter School for their school lunch programs. Customers can shop direct at the Tuesday Evening Farm Stand and daily honor system fridge.

A hub for learning and community

Rugged Roots is a project of the Lost Sierra Food Project and a demonstration/learning site for the majority of LSFP’s programs. On any given day in the growing season you will find children of all ages exploring and learning through a variety of ag-based programs. LSFP also runs workforce development programs employing young adults each season and training up the next generation of farmers and land stewards. The community is also invited to the farm for food preservation, cooking, and health and wellness workshops.

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